"April Gloaming Publishing is a nonprofit independent press based in Nashville, TN that aims to capture and better understand the [New South]."
April Gloaming is a refuge for the small and the weird. Our impetus is our authors and artists and ensuring that they have a voice at every step of the publishing process.
As part of April Gloaming’s nonprofit purpose, we intend to strengthen Southern communities by offering Work For Hire contracts for every step of the publishing process: editing, proofreading, reading submissions, graphic design, book cover design, interior illustrations, videography, advertising, marketing, and social media. It is our goal that this valuable experience will enhance community members’ future career paths as we extend the offer for paid help for each of our publications.
Note: these gigs are contractual, short-term, and are paid upon satisfactory completion of the work. There are opportunities for advancement in a career with us, however. Please indicate on the application that you would like to be considered for a full-time position.
How to Apply: Please send the following as attachments to gigs.aprilgloaming@gmail.com with the title of the email being the position you would like to apply for, e.g. “Fiction Editor,” “Illustrator,” “Marketing Position.”
1. Completed Fillable Job Application PDF (download below)
2. Cover Letter
3. Resume
4. Portfolio (editing, art, writing samples, marketing portfolio, etc.)
5. Any other relevant attachments
Another large part of April Gloaming’s community outreach involves bolstering the youth in Nashville and its surrounding areas. As such, we offer unpaid internships for every step of the publishing process: editing, proofreading, reading submissions, graphic design, book cover design, interior illustrations, videography, advertising, social media, marketing, and event planning.
The internships are extended to the greater Middle Tennessee area for college students and young professionals alike.
How to Apply: Please send the following as attachments to gigs.aprilgloaming@gmail.com with the title of the email being the internship position you would like to apply for, e.g. “Fiction Editor Internship,” “Graphic Design Internship,” “Poetry Reader Internship.”
1. Completed Fillable Job Application PDF (download below)
2. Cover Letter
3. Resume
4. Portfolio (editing, art, writing samples, marketing portfolio, etc.)
5. Any other relevant attachments